Page 5 of 7 - GitHub Team and LMS Access

Once you have and sent your GitHub username to your instructor, we'll get you added to our GitHub team and Learning Management System.

Join the Team 🤝

Once you have received your invitation to the LearningFuze Github organization. Be sure to sign into GitHub and accept the invitation before continuing.

Accept your github invitation

Sign into the LMS 💡

⚠️ Heads up! You must be logged into your GitHub account during this step. ⚠️

Once you have accepted your invitation to the LearningFuze GitHub organization, sign into our custom Learning Management System (LMS) to receive assignments and resources from your instructor.

You can sign into the LMS and link your GitHub account.

Sign in here:

Sign into LMS

When prompted, authorize the LFZ LMS to connect with your GitHub account.

Authorize LMS

Once you have granted authorization to the LMS, you will be redirected to your student dashboard. Assignments you receive from instructors will appear here.

Student dashboard

Be sure to bookmark your dashboard for easy access.

Double-check ✔️✔️

  • [x] You accepted your invitation to join the LearningFuze GitHub organization.
  • [x] You signed into the LFZ LMS.
  • [x] You bookmarked the link to your student dashboard.

Continue to set up your computer for development ➡️

Awesome! Now that you are all connected, you can start setting up your computer for development.